Conditioning for Tennis


Up your game this summer with training specifically designed for tennis. This class will focus on building strength, speed, power, and movement skills, incorporating principles of dynamic movement training. Offered Saturday mornings at 8am on the tennis courts at JFK Middle School, starting in late May.

Structured along the lines of a circuit class, we’ll begin with a dynamic movement warm-up, encouraging flexibility and fluidity in the joints and muscles. Circuit stations will include work on speed, agility and footwork, core stability, strength, power, endurance, and shoulder stability.

6 sessions, starting Saturday, May 22, from 8 - 8:50am

On the tennis courts at JFK Middle School, 100 Bridge Road, Florence

Suggested donation: $15/class or $75/series

Limited to 12 participants! Sign up in advance to reserve your space by sending me a quick email from the contact page.