I fell in love with sea kayaking up in Maine about 10 summers ago. My girlfriend and I rented a small cabin on a 17-acre island 14 miles offshore from Camden in the middle of Penobscot Bay. We ferried our gear and a couple of sea kayaks out to the island on a lobster boat. For a week, we paddled among the coastal islands, discovering hidden beaches, exploring tide pools, riding the currents. We returned to that island 3 more times in the following years, each time venturing a little further afield in our ‘yaks.
A few summers back, I bought a used sea kayak and began paddling on the Connecticut River, launching from a dock just below the Route 9/Hadley bridge. It became both a meditation and form of exercise for me. I’d go out for an hour or two, paddling fairly continuously, building my endurance and practicing the helical motion of arms and torso that makes for an efficient stroke - a practice (as I later learned) referred to as “fitness paddling.”
As my obsession with kayaking grew, I started watching YouTube videos on kayak racing. I discovered a young New Zealander named Lisa Carrington who dominated women’s sprint kayaking (200 & 500m) for a number of years. I spent hours studying her movement and technique, and trying to translate that onto my body. I also discovered surfskis - long, sleek open-cockpit kayaks designed for ocean racing. Before long I was paddling an 18’ surfski from a company called Stellar, whose North American headquarters is literally housed in a barn up in Northfield, MA. Paddling a surfski is a bit like driving a Ferrari (not that I’ve ever driven a Ferrari, but you know what I mean). It takes the experience of kayaking to a whole new level.
Now, a few years later, I’m an ACA-certified open water kayak instructor (Level 2) and love nothing better than sharing my passion for paddling with others.
Fitness paddling in a surfski on the Connecticut River.
The Stellar surfski (this one 16’). A fast yet stable kayak for beginning surfski paddlers.
Let’s go paddling!
If you’re new to kayaking, or relatively new, I can teach you the basic strokes, get you out on the river, and get you feeling comfortable in a sea kayak.
If you’ve been kayaking for awhile and would like to explore it as a form of exercise and training, I can coach you on how to improve your stroke, speed, and efficiency.
If you’d like to try out a surfski and wing-blade paddle, I can provide the instruction you’ll need to get started with fitness paddling in a surfski.
Equipment & logistics: I have a 16’ Necky sea kayak, an 18’ Stellar surfski, paddles, and life jackets. You’re also welcome to bring your own kayak and gear. We meet at the Sportsman’s Marina on the east side of the Rt. 9/Hadley bridge. Kayaking sessions are approximately 2 hours.
Initial training session (individual): $125
Initial session (w/ a friend): $150
Subsequent sessions: $85