Improve your game. Avoid injury. Have more fun!
Summer is a great time to be active, and every sport and physical activity places different demands on the body. For example…
Tennis requires constant, short bursts of energy, quick changes of direction and body position, rotational control through the torso, good shoulder mobility, as well as fast reaction times and coordination.
Hiking requires ankle strength and mobility, full engagement of the leg muscles (both front and back), core strength for balance and stability, as well as cardio-vascular endurance.
Gardening requires good ankle, knee, and hip mobility, plus the leg strength and lower back stability to get down and up off the ground safely and comfortably.
Rowing requires leg strength to power the drive, a strong core to support the upper body through the drive, hip, knee and ankle flexion to allow for a good recovery, as well as finely-tuned dynamic balance.
Conditioning is the process of priming the body to perform all of these various actions and movements smoothly and efficiently. It involves analyzing and breaking down the demands of the sport or activity into specific actions, training those actions, then building them back into whole-body performance. It can include corrective exercises to restore muscular balance and improve skeletal alignment, as well as movement and neuromuscular re-patterning. The goal is to enhance performance while decreasing the likelihood of injury.
Here’s a couple of short videos to give you an idea of what this might look like…
Stand-Up Paddle Boarding
Let’s get started!
Conditioning sessions are focused on a specific sport or activity. In the first session we go through the typical movements of the activity, assessing your strengths and areas for development. Based on this analysis we develop a training protocol to address your specific movement needs. Subsequent sessions will involve exercise sequences to measurably improve performance. Clients frequently video these exercises for home practice.
Bring a buddy and get the “Train with a Friend” discount!